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Oriflame Directors' Seminar India 2015 Mumbai

Oriflame Directors’ Seminar India 2015 Mumbai

With spectacular entertainment, Special recognitions and inspirational words of encouragement by the regional Management & Global guests– this was an extravaganza unlike any other…

The dream destination of the Gold Conference 2016, Copenhagen fairy tale was the theme of the three different nights with a main theme of Dreams Come Alive at the helm of it all. Kick starting the fairy tale theme, India VP Niklas Frisk, entered the stage dressed as a knight, and launched the theme of the Event – “Dreams Come Alive”.

Directors Seminar Oriflame Mumbai 2

The most inspiring story came true right in front of everyone’s eyes when P.N and Kamini Jha our No. 1 leader was recognized amidst frenzied applause and admiration for becoming the first President Directors of Asia. It was such a proud moment for the entire country and truly inspirational for all those who witnessed this and was a part of the grand celebration.

Oriflame and its founders have been supporting people since the very beginning. This year during Directors’ Seminar, Af Jochnick foundation donated USD 345,000 to Pratham- an NGO that works towards providing education to underprivileged children in the country.

Donation for Pratham Education Foundation!

The business days were spearheaded by Business Heads across the continents addressing the audience and inspiring them to fulfill the target of achieving 1000cr by 2016. Magnus Brannstrom and Jesper Martinsson created a warm connection with the audience and shared some inspirational words to propel them towards growth and success with renewed energy and vigor.

New Directors

Some inspiring testimonials by leaders took the audience’s breath away, as the success stories were right there in front of them only encouraging them to go Full Speed Ahead!

The highlights of the event was the presence of National award winner Bollywood movie director, Madhur Bhandarkar, and his association with brand Oriflame was received with loud cheering and applause.  We also saw the presence of Oriflame brand ambassador Ms Sonali Bendre as her ravishing self not only took on the barrage of questions from the eager audience but also she joined in with the traditional Oriflame motivational clap with the entire hall resonating with charged energy.

Oriflame Perfomance

Wellness Team Oriflame India

Flattering poses on the stage

The exhibition zone themed as Beauty in & Out was also a memorable affair with the audience being engaged in fun games and wellness tips, guiding them to choose healthier and fitter options in life, joining the Wellness Movement as well as getting hands on information about new product that are to be launched in the market.

The finale Gala Night concluded the three days fiesta; it was also a night to reward outstanding achievements by all leaders striving hard to qualify for the most prestigious Directors’ seminar. The felicitations were done amidst much pomp and show with tremendous cheering and applause. The classical violinist duo, Illuminati Act and a theme based fashion show celebrated the achievement of the new Executive Directors the highest achievers to be recognized in the Gala Night.

President Director Oriflame

New Diamond Director

New Diamond Director 2

New Diamond Director 3

New Diamond Director 4

New Diamond Director 5

New Diamond Director 7

New Diamond Director 8

New Diamond Director 9

The entire Oriflame family celebrated the success of all individuals with a highly charged up and inspired self, ready to conquer more and have all their Dreams Come Alive.

Niklas’ closing speech wrapped up the 3 days event stating that the journey is coming to an end however to keep enthusiasm level high and a rejuvenated promise of being happy with achievements but never be satisfied never rest until all dreams have been fulfilled.

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