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Leader Oriflame Asia: Cynthia Venika

Leader Oriflame Asia: Cynthia Venika

Leader Oriflame Asia: Cynthia VenikaWhen Cynthia was only 26 years old, she became the youngest Oriflame’s Diamond Director. She had another great success in 2001, when she gained two levels in a single year, going up from Sapphire Director in April to Diamond Director only three months later.

She was also the very first person in Oriflame Asia to gain the position of Senior Executive Director. Right now she is confirming her rank as a Gold Executive Director of Oriflame Asia. “I am pleased to motivate so many people. Achieving these heights while still being so young is a great honor for me and my family”, says Cynthia.

[quote font=»arial»]Name Cynthia Venika
Rank Gold Executive Directors
Born in Indonesia
Family of 11 wonderful brothers/sisters
Favorite Product is Giordani Gold range[/quote]

Leader Oriflame Cynthia Venika LioeCynthia began her business in Oriflame because she felt attracted to the products and catalogue that she got from her sister’s friend in the office. “The Oriflame catalogue was so attractive and the products affordably priced — I couldn’t resist them”, confides Cynthia. To begin with, she profited merely from selling the products herself. Soon, however, after attending a business presentation at the Oriflame office, she suddenly realized the advantages of recruiting, which would bring in even more income.

She first started her Oriflame business as a part time job, but it soon turned into a full-time occupation. During only three years, Cynthia hired a thousand people to work in Oriflame Asia. “I enjoy the benefits of working together with Oriflame Asia as well as the recognition. Unity is another great benefit of working with Oriflame”, she notes. Her target now is to gather in her personal group one hundred Diamond Directors.

Cynthia’s greatest motivation for being successful was to make her dear mother proud. “I’m so thankful to Oriflame Asia for helping me bring a smile to my mother’s face before she left us. She always advised me to do whatever I wanted in life and be the best at it”, remembers Cynthia.

Cynthia always tells stories of her success and about how Oriflame impacts people’s lives — particularly her own. For her, the main strategy for her business is CFC — Consistency, Focus and Commitment. These factors made her career such a great success, helping her to gather the perfect team.

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